Audrey Hepburn Inspired Self-Portrait
Like many others, I had Audrey Hepburn posters in my bedroom as a little girl and I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve seen My Fair Lady. I’m often told that I look like Audrey Hepburn when I have my hair cut short, which I always take as a huge complement.
I opened the April self-portrait theme vote up to Instagram and Audrey Hepburn won out by a lot!
So I gathered my inspiration and here’s how it went.
One of the tricky parts was not being able to see what I was doing. I had my glasses off to aim for a more authentic look.
Luckily, a lot of the time I’m creating self-portraits I can’t really see what I’m doing in any screen anyway.
I also decided to stick to black and white images.
As for the wardrobe and props, I kept it simple.
I used sunglasses, a hat, a dress, gloves, and a scarf.
I already had the sunglasses and scarf, though it wasn’t a scarf that I would have specifically chosen for this photoshoot. I purchased the dress, gloves and a hat.
Seeing myself without glasses is a bit weird, but overall I like how these turned out!
I’m also a sucker for black and white portraits.
For the lighting setup, I mixed things up.
I used both constant and my typical strobe setup. I didn’t want to overexpose the black background images, so I used a constant light for that one. Then for the rest of the white background images, I used my usual strobe setup.
This was a fun self-portrait theme that’s been on my list for a while. I’m happy I finally tried it out!
“For me the only things of interests are those linked to the heart”