How many photos in an hour?

Since my current rates are based on shoot time, the most common question I get asked is about how many photos a brand can expect to receive in an hour or two. This is the hardest question to answer because it depends on so many different factors.

Some things that will change the outcome:

  • How many different angles, details you need photographed of your product

  • How prepared your product is for shooting

  • The level of styling you want in your photos

  • If models are involved

  • The size of your product

  • The location we shoot in

  • The lighting style you want in your shots

  • If the product will be “used” and set cleaned between shots

  • If I’m acting as both photographer and model at the same time

  • If I’m working alone or with the help of a team

  • How planned out the shots are in advance

This isn’t a complete list, but should give you an idea of how these factors can change the outcome drastically.

Here are some examples:

Check out my pricing and read up on some FAQ’s here.

Glady Anne

Photography for your brand. Based in Southern Utah.

Amethyst Self-Portraits


How to create more dynamic and interesting product photos